By adding line numbers in eclipse, it makes a little easier to debug , find and fix errors in your project.
To add line numbers
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences
Select General -> Editors -> Text Editors and tick on Show line numbers
In this tutorial you will learn how to use AsyncTask in your application. This AsyncTask class perform background operations and update the results on the UI
AsyncTask has three generic type
Params, the type of the parameters sent to the task upon execution.
Progress, the type of the progress units published during the background computation.
Result, the type of the result of the background computation
Private class ShowDialogAsyncTask extends...
In this tutorial I am going to describe how to create Android Custom Dialg which is for user login, you may have any customized android layout.
Android Dialog
Create Android Project AndroidDialog ; File -> New -> Android Project
Android Layout
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
It is not complex to Check Android Network / Internet Connectivity Status, bellow DetectConnection class
will help you to check Android Network / Internet Connectivity Status. Here I am going to load Android Wireless & Network Setting if device is not connected to any Network.
Create an Android project called CheckConnection , visit my previous post First Android Application in Eclipse Hello world Android Example
In this article you will learn how to send data from one Activity to another Activity,I created two activity AndroidLoginActivity and LoginSuccess, in the LoinSuccess Activity will display logged user name.
Create Android project visit my previous example First Android Application in Eclipse Hello world Android Example, Un check the
Add OnClickListener to Button and Send Data to next Activity
In this tutorial you will learn how to create JButton dynamically with Image and the ActionListener . You will be able to change the button height , width horizontal gap and vertical gap in one place.I have create dummy database class which will return the Main menu items and the Sub menu items.You will see the Main menu item in your JFrame. If you select main Item (FOOD) from the button panel it will load Sub Items from the dummy database class...
APK Creation in Eclipse and Install on Android Device
In this tutorial you will be learn how to install developed Android application on your Android Device. You must know the correct Android Version of your device before you going to create APK file.Here I am going to install previous Android ListView example with Image and Text application on android device.
Device is Cisco Cius and the Android Version is 2.2.2
Check API Levels Open...
How to Apply Synthetica Look And Feel to JFrame in Netbeans
Here I am going to explain how to apply Synthetica Look And Feel to a JFrame in Netbeans,in the previous tutorial I was explained how to apply Nimbus Look and Feel Java Swing to a JFrame.You will be able to apply
and SystemLookAndFeel...
It is very easy to apply Nimbus Look and Feel which was introduced in Java SE 6 update 10 release. Copy and past following code before creating the (GUI) Graphical User Interface
Nimbus Look and Feel
Before Applying the Nimbus Look and Feel
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// If the nibus...
Android ListView
This tutorial I am going to show you how to create Android ListView with images and text. you will be find how to load image from the resources and how to set text to TextView. Here is the screen shot of ListView.
Android List View example on Samsung Galaxy Y s5360
ItemDetails class, which is help to set item data and you will be get data from the ItemDetails
package com.jsupport.listviewimages;
Android hello world exampleIn this tutorial, I am going show you how to create your very first Android Application.First of all you need to Setup Android Development Environment, visit How to setup Android Development Environment in With Eclipse, to setup your How to setup android development environment.Create Android ProjectStart Eclipse, File -> New -> Android Project and input Application name, Build Target which is your android OS platform...
Android Development Environment in Eclipse
It is very easy to set up Android Development Environment on Eclipse. First of all you need to download the tools and software. You must download followings
Java SE Development Kite (JDK 5 or newer)
Eclipse IDE for Java Developer
Android Software Development Kit
Setup Java
To setup java in your computer you must download java from the oracle site here is the download link